Remote Onboarding

June 22, 2022

Today, it is crucial to do remote onboarding right. What is remote onboarding? Well, it's similar to regular onboarding. A process where you familiarize new employees with their new environment and colleagues, only you do it remotely, emphasizing checking in regularly and offering assistance. It is crucial to have the proper infrastructure supporting working from home, as we do in our mobile and desktop app versions. 

Because of the pandemic, many companies have either gone full working from home or adopted a more hybrid way of working. A hybrid model of working, where people can work at least a quarter of the time, is expected in at least 83% of surveyed people. However, some jobs do offer people certain freedoms, in an environmental working sort of sense.  

This article will give out some great tips on remote onboarding and how to make it as painless as possible. 

Start With a Clear Message

Start with a clear message in mind and a tried-out pre-boarding process already in place. When you hire new people, they need to know your company's values and what their goal should be. In addition, you should be clear on their position within the company and their employer's expectations. 

One of the biggest anxieties an employee can have is not knowing their duties and just having work dumped on them without a clear explanation. That's why you should always be ready to answer any question that they may have. Make it clear to all new and old hires that it is never wrong to ask questions.

Give them the right tools

youbelee tools for remote work

You have to give them the right tools to do the job correctly. Almost all remote positions require laptops, keyboards, mouses, and headsets. Headsets, for example, have become essential for remote meetings and are not the type of hardware on which anyone should cut corners. Some positions require other types of hardware, and it is always handy to track who got who, like Youbelee does with its asset management features.

Have a buddy system

Have a buddy system where you have people that work in the same or similar positions to help out new hires. Sure, you will give them the proper documentation and maybe even orientational videos, but nothing beats having someone there for them, especially when they work remotely. This works exceptionally well if it's a new addition to the team, where a buddy can quickly show them the ropes. 

New hires might not feel ready to work remotely, or they may not have done it before, so it is invaluable having someone there to help them out. In addition, this will encourage people to build stronger relationships with their coworkers, as having a remote buddy can be vital to health, happiness, and even workplace productivity. Of course, you shouldn't overwhelm the person helping out. Instead, try to lighten their load for a week while the remote onboarding process is underway. 

youbelee buddy system

Customize it

Make sure you customize it for each new hire you get. Sure, it goes the extra mile, but it will help make your new colleague feel more special. Not only that, but each new hire is unique and specific, so a process that works for some won't necessarily work for others. Try to be flexible and ensure you give each hire time to absorb and process the information they receive. Some may pick up things fast, and some may take a little time. Remember that each new hire is an individual and responds differently.

Show appreciation

A great way to motivate your employees is to show appreciation for their hard work. We covered many excellent employee appreciation ideas in one of our previous articles, but the gist is to know what your employees like. If you know what your employees want and what makes them tick, rewarding them for their efforts is much easier. 

Goodie bags, bonuses, and gift cards all have benefits and can work wonders for your company's morale. No one ever feels bad about getting a gift, and it is especially significant to include them in your remote onboarding process as a friendly welcome. 


youbelee conclusion

In conclusion, we must recognize that we are living in a new world where remote work is becoming the norm. Even industries that weren't traditionally hybris workplaces are experimenting with it now. We have two choices on our hands: either adapt and adjust to the new normal or miss out. With high turnover rates across the board, it is vital to give our new workforce a good head start and encourage loyalty and dedication.

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