HR Letter generation

  • All company HR letters and certificates with a custom template.
  • Available in two languages.
  • Accessible and
    printable anytime.

All company HR letters and certificates with a custom template

Need to add a custom template on a company level? No problem, you can add as many letter templates as you need. Choose a company and the type of letter you need to generate and upload from your device. 

Your manager can then approve, reject and even preview that particular letter. Simple as that.

youbelee letter generation screenshot 1

Available in two languages

Any letter type you generate is available in two languages side by side if needed. This is a perfect solution for international teams and companies that work globally.

youbelee letter generation dual languages screenshot 2

Accessible and printable anytime

Need to access or print out a generated letter? Easy, go to the HR Letters sections and pick it out. Find them fast, as they are organized by status: pending, accepted, and rejected letters. 

You need to click on a manager-approved generated letter and print it out or download it on your device.

youbelee letter generation manager approval screenshot 3

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