What are the Main Types Of Leave

July 29, 2022

What are the main types of leave a company may have? This article will examine this question and what policies you should have for each one if you want a happy workforce. Because one of the first questions you get from a new employee has something to do with your company's leave policy. And if you are generous with leave, you won't have to work hard on other types of rewards and recognitions for your employees.

One of the most common questions is the amount of leave you offer and what types of leave your company has for different situations. For example, does it offer maternity leave, leave for an emergency, a mental day, etc.? As in a recent survey, almost 63% of employees reported they'd taken at least one mental health day in the past year, and there are numerous benefits when you offer paid sick leave. So let's examine the most common types of leave a company can have.

Earned Holiday Leave

Earned holiday leave is the most commonly used type of leave, and people mostly use it when they go off on vacation. This type of leave is usually the longest. However, depending on the approval of the higher brass, it's as short as a few days and as long as a few weeks.

vacation leave youbelee

Almost every country with descent labor laws has mandatory earned holiday leave. Employees are entitled to a certain amount depending on their tenure and don't include weekends.

What should your company policy be: Be generous in approving them when you can, especially if employees announce their leave far in advance. Also, have a policy where employees can transfer them to the next year if they don't use them up, but have a rigorous set date.

Sick Leave

Sick leave is the second most used type of leave; simply put, employees use it when they are sick. The best way to recuperate from illness is to take things easy and care for yourself. Depending on the disease, it is sometimes even better if they recover at home, something we learned well in the pandemic.

What should your company policy be: Some illnesses take longer than others, and you should have compassion, especially when your employee is recovering. And like with holiday leave, make sick leave transferable as well. 

Maternity and Paternity Leave

maternity paternity leave youbelee

Maternity and Paternity leave is one of the most basic types of leave and is of immense importance for any person working in your company. Not only is it required by law, but by common sense. There is a lot of stress on the mother's body and mind after birth, and not only does she need time to recuperate but needs time to bond with her child. This can be from 1 and upward to 3 years in length. 

Many progressive companies also offer paternity leave, which is usually shorter in length. Paternity leave is also called just New Parent leave so as not to discriminate against many same-sex couples. 

What should your company policy be: If you can try to offer both to new parents if they both work in your company of course. And if you only have a new parent, offer them New Parent leave for at least a few weeks so that they can bond with their baby.

Public holiday

Public holiday leave depends solely on the country where your employees are. They are there to celebrate a country's achievements or special events. Because of this, many of the country's institutions, such as schools, supermarkets, banks, bakeries, etc., won't be working that day. 

What should your company policy be: Well, you don't have much choice here as the government regulates this, and they are mandatory. If you have a lot of employees who work outside your country's border, just respect their public holidays.

Personal day

A personal day or a sabbatical type of leave is when an employee feels too much pressure from work and needs a break. That's when your employees do activities that destress them and lessen the impact of burnout.  

What should your company policy be:  Sabbaticals can sometimes last a few months, sometimes even a year, which is why you shouldn't give them lightly. But, on the other hand, if you have a loyal employee working with you for a long time, five years or so, you should reward their loyalty. 


These are just a few of the main types of leave. We haven't even mentioned: bereavement, unpaid, compensatory leave, etc. You have to have a good policy for each one of these types of leave and good HR software that offers comprehensive leave tracking. Because today's workforce doesn't stay with your company for loyalty and monetary sake, you have to meet them at least halfway with good benefits. 

On a related topic check out our 12 engagement holidays!

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