How to survive complete digitalization in HR

December 7, 2022

It is a monumental task when you think of going all digital when dealing with all things HR. It might seem that way, but trust us, it's worth it. HR is a field that has to keep up with the times; going completely digital is to be in step with the times. For example, almost 85% of global leaders reported accelerated digitization at their companies since the 2020 global pandemic began.

Sure it might seem like a daunting task in the beginning, but the benefits far outweigh the job ahead. First, some tasks are much easier when your HR system is wholly digital and cloud-based. People have quicker access to the recourses they need and can be much more efficient. 

Here we will explain why digitalization is essential and successful ways to do it with the help of excellent HR software like Youbelee.

Why is digitalization in HR important?

HR is essential for successful digitalization in any company. As more businesses operate online, you need cloud-based software to keep up with the shifting workplace demands. We have covered hybrid work models before, and that would be impossible with an utterly digital HR system like youbelee that enables you to quickly sign in and out from home. 

Digitalization in HR is also environment-friendly. Think of all the paper saved when going fully digital. One of Youbelee's most environmentally friendly features is its HR letter generation with a custom template feature. When you are a company that employs a lot of workers, you have a great need for paperwork. So you solve the problem of physical paper and make it easier to find things and upload from any device connected to the internet. 

Another critical time saver is the utterly automatic payslip generation. When you go full digital, you never need someone to crunch the numbers to work out someone's hours. Not only do you spare your HR and payroll the hassle, but you also minimize the number of mistakes they will make. HR software like Youbelee can automatically calculate any employee's salary based on their work activity. You can also download payslips from your mobile device with our Youbelee app and the web. 

QR code youbelee ap digitalisation in hr

How to achieve digitalization in HR with ease?

Getting your employee's on board

OK, so you have Youbelee, and the first step in your company's digitalization process is here. What next? The first thing is getting your entire team on board. At first, this can be a difficult task as sometimes people can naturally resist change and new things, especially new technologies. So give your team a big speech and explain how switching to digital will improve their professional lives and make their office bureaucracy more manageable. 

Explain how it will make their work easier

explaining digitalization in hr youbelee

Explain to them how working from home is easier when you can punch in online or on your mobile device and be logged in and ready to go. Whenever you go on a business trip, you need to use Youbelee's business travel feature and get approved immediately, no pain, no hassle. You manage a construction crew, and every time they take out some equipment, they need to get a ton of approvals and go through paperwork. Show them how our asset management system works, and they'll be onboard. 

Explain the benefits of your new HR system, and your employees will be excited to use all of its features. 

Start right away

When you prepped all your employees, start right away. Try to look at any delays you might have as revenues you might be losing. If everyone is aboard, there isn't any excuse not to go through with it immediately.

One side note here, do not trust the complete digitalization of HR to one person. Your head of HR might be the brightest and the most capable HR in the world, but they are still only human. Humans make mistakes, and the more people you have working on this, the less chance you will get things wrong.


When your company goes digital, it isn't just switching to new technology like what Youbelee offers. It is more of a mindset where you are preparing for the future. In the past, human resources have always been an essential part of any organization; today, it is instrumental. Not only does your HR handle your business structure and needs, but are the gateway to the vision your company has and the goals it wants to accomplish. 

journey ahead youbelee digitalization in hr

So look at digitalization as a transformation from the old to the new—the vital step towards a constantly changing world. 

On a related topic check out what is absence management and whether can it save you money!

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